Re: [Evolution] Sent file too large

On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 15:07 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
And THIS is the cause of Evo's scalability problems - it would be better
if Evo *internally* use one file per message AKA maildir.

I don't see the problem if it uses an *index*.

Evo takes 5 minutes to close as it has to write out huge files.  And,
the indexing is sub-optimal, because it's clear that the speed of
switching between messages in a folder is a function of how big the
folder is.  I periodically have to move all my old mail into archive
folders or the navigation becomes unusably slow.

Then there is an area to be worked on ;-) But imho this has nothing to
do with using 1 file vs. multiple files.

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