Re: [Evolution] Sent file too large

On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 13:45 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:

But it gives me a choice of pop OR maildir.  I need my messages to be
downloaded from the POP server then delivered into the maildir.

Actually any account is (indeed) EITHER pop OR mbox (OR imap, etc.)

The idea of pop (but stronger with imap) is that the messages are not
downloaded and stored at all, but downloaded when selected to be viewed.

Now I know that for instance outlook goes completely against this
principle and blindly downloads all messages.

Afaik evolution won't do that, except if you selected "copy folder
contents for local operation" or (?) if you have created a filter that
needs to have the message body to operate on.

These messages are then stored into an evolution-specific format which
you cannot select and has nothing to do with mbox or maildir.

If you want to transfer all of your pop account to a mbox file or
maildir directory, I suggest you use a tool that exactly does that, and
have evolution operate on this file/dir. But I don't think that is
actually what you're looking.

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