Re: [Evolution] howto do junk?

I wrote up how I used to set up spamassassin off of evolution "before
evolution had spamassassin support", when I was going back to hanging
spamassassin off of procmail, instead of off of evolution.

Hanging spamassassin off of procmail, you still have slow spamassassin
runs, but they don't slow down evolution.

Anyway, here's the web page on how I used to do it off of evolution,
which you likely can modify slightly for crm114.

BTW, a local mailing list is saying that greylistd and/or postgrey are
easier to set up and more effective than most other antispam solutions,
including spamassassin.  Anyone here tried it?

On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 21:22, Vaidotas Zemlys wrote:

On Tr, 2004-10-13 at 21:52 +0200, Ron Smits wrote:
On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 11:17 -0500, Eric Lambart wrote:

What you say here seems to imply that you had some spam filtering
enabled with Evo versions < 1.5 (1.5 being the pre-release versions of
2.0) ??  If so, maybe you have older spam filtering set up, which is
interfering with Evo 2.x's own filtering?

yup as I have been following evo for a long long time I cannot even
remember when I started using spamassassin for it. 

One thing I'd do is make sure the spamassassin daemon is running in the
background.  Go to your shell prompt and type "ps -aef | grep spam".
You should see something like this:
[~]$ ps -aef | grep spam
root       858     1  0 09:05 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/spamd -d -c -L
ron       2535  2491  0 11:11 pts/9    00:00:00 grep spam

It's running and it's eating CPU like nothing before. This is one thing
that really bothers me. Filtering a measly 100 mails takes 7 minutes. I
timed it.

Yes that is the spamassasin fault. It is slow. I've been using
spamassasin for scanning my mail and in the end I dumped it, because it
was painfully slow. Now I use crm114, which leads to my question, is it
possible to use other spam filtering program with evolution instead of
spamassasin? I get all my email through
fetchmail->postfix->procmail->crm114 chain which lands all my non spam
messages in my local mailbox in /var/mail/ and all spam messages in mbox
~/tmp/SPAM/crm. I created another account to check if any nonspam
messages are filtered as spam, but it would be nice if I could configure
Evolution to direct all my spam to Junk folder. So is it possible, or
spamassasin support is hard-coded into evolution?

Vaidotas Zemlys 
Dan Stromberg DCS/NACS/UCI <strombrg dcs nac uci edu>

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