Re: [Evolution] howto do junk?

On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 10:37 +0200, Ron Smits wrote:
Oke responding again to my own mail :)

Are there changes made in the junking? With 2.0.2 junking completely
stopped. I have been running evolution since 1.0 series. And upto 2.0.0
I was very happy with the junking. If I had 2 or 3 spam mails per day it
would be a bad. 

What you say here seems to imply that you had some spam filtering
enabled with Evo versions < 1.5 (1.5 being the pre-release versions of
2.0) ??  If so, maybe you have older spam filtering set up, which is
interfering with Evo 2.x's own filtering?

One thing I'd do is make sure the spamassassin daemon is running in the
background.  Go to your shell prompt and type "ps -aef | grep spam".
You should see something like this:

[~]$ ps -aef | grep spam
root       858     1  0 09:05 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/spamd -d -c -L
ron       2535  2491  0 11:11 pts/9    00:00:00 grep spam

If you don't see the /usr/bin/spamd line there, that certainly narrows
down the problem.

Now it just stopped. All junk freely flows into my inbox. What can I do
to either find the problem, or to get it just working again?

I'd also check to make sure you don't have any filters which use the
"Junk Test".  I use such filters with no problem, but you may have one
that is interfering, or causing spam to remain in (or return to) your
INBOX.  Just a thought.

BTW I'm no expert on Evolution's spam filters...


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Just use "Reply to List" (Ctrl-L in Evolution).

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