Re: Evo 1.5 and local/server side SA (was Re: [Evolution] Need some help (I Got IT!!!))

On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 19:53 +0200, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
ons, 31.03.2004 kl. 17.25 skrev Rick DeNatale:

After some head scratching, it actually looks like Evo 1.5 works very
nicely with my installation of SA.

Brilliant! That was what I was waiting for. Don't think much of the
Procmail bit, though. Why should normal users have to know about

Well, that's just one standard way to install SA for per-user filtering.
I'm not sure how much the 'normal' user needs to know about procmail,
(s)he'd probably not even notice .procmailrc

I'd guess that this stuff would work just as well for site-wide
filtering, as long as you don't mind joe user being able to affect
everyone's bayes database.

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