Re: [Evolution] Need some help (I Got IT!!!)

On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 20:52 +0200, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

That's *cool* SpamAssassin run wild and out of control. And never a
mention of how to configure it. Let alone update it.

Another reason for being a stick-in-the-mud and keeping to Evo 1.4,
whilst keeping SA ("what version was it again?") on the Postfix snapshot
smtp amavisd-new proxy MTA. *Where it belongs*. And yes, we have
LDAP-based amavisd-new per-user SpamAssassin preferences at this site.

Whose bright idea was this enforced Evo SA innovation? I can see us all
having to go back to Mozilla yet once again :(

not mine! :-)


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