Re: [Evolution] empty folders after upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4

On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 01:55, Mark Sams wrote:
I needed to reload a new OS onto my computer. I copied
all of my 1.2 folders onto a windows share then
reformatted my hard drive and loaded FreeBSD and
Evolution 1.4. I copied the folders back and now the
trouble is that some folders look fine while others
appear to be empty even though they have a mbox with
mail in them.

If you really copied all the files, I'll bet you have some file
permission/ownership issues (the Windows filesystem is more primitive
than UNIX-like ones).  That'll be hard to resolve if you don't know what
they're supposed to be.

Tomislav's advice might help you get your data back.  But next time you
try to "backup" any unix/linux files onto a Windows computer, I suggest
you put them into a (tar/gz, or tar/bz2) archive first.  Then all the
proper file permissions will be restored when you restore the file.

"tar cjf evolution.tar.bz2 evolution" from your home directory should
allow you to backup the entire Evolution directory, and "tar xjf
evolution.tar.bz2" should restore it.  Note that in Evo 1.4+ some
settings are stored elsewhere in the system, so to back up properly
you'll have to learn how to save them, or else reconfigure your accounts
etc. when you restart Evolution the next time.

Good luck getting your mail back.  It sounds like it's still there, at
least.  You should probably shut down Evolution, rename your evolution
directory ("mv evolution evolution.old"), start Evolution from scratch,
then as Tomislav said, set up your mail account(s), then import the old
mbox files from wherever they're stored under evolution.old.


Eric Lambart <ximian nomeaning net>

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