Re: [Evolution] composing mail: cursor position

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 21:50, Brad Warkentin wrote:
after the quoted text _is_ the civilized way to reply to people. This
was the one true way until Outlook appeared and broke most of the
standard conventions and decided that threaded, contextual replies were
somehow a bad thing.

Not true. Not after _all_ the quoted text, but in context, just as this
sentence is a relpy to the above one.

Replying at the top of the message with the entire bloody message left
as a blob below, without bothering to trim it to just the bits, relevant
to your reply is plain evil and rude, in my obviously not so humble

Since some MUA simulations do not show mail as a threaded list, the "top
posting" is a way to provide context. Curing pestilence by beating the
infected person to death...
In german there is a nice acronym for this: TOFU - Text oben, Fullquote
unten (text on top, fullquote on bottom).

Anyway, if the cursor would be on bottom of the quoted message, it would
encourage people to send fullquotes, instead of weeding out the quote
and answering the relevant stuff.

Feature request: Warning dialogs if the user tries to send top-posted
and/or fullquoted messages. Or maybe an automated version of this:

Sorry, not trying to offend someone ;-)

"The PROPER way to handle HTML postings is to cancel the article, then
hire a hitman to kill the poster, his wife and kids, and fuck his dog
and smash his computer into little bits. Anything more is just
extremism."     -- Paul Tomblin

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