Re: [Evolution] Evo 1.4.6 under Mandrake 10.0

On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 12:36, Jonas Claesson wrote:
On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 18:14, Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
Maybe we are both referring to the same thing, only our definition of
"some time" differs. ;)

I don't think so, the delay I'm referring to is probably a few
milli-seconds, enough to be noted but not enough to be a DNS-related
delay I guess...

Anyway, I'm running MDK10 with all the updates (until the freeze of
cooker) and evolution 1.4.6 and notice none of the delays your

Another datapoint:

I am running a very patched and tweaked RH8 with KDE 3.2.1 and Evo 1.4.6
on a slow machine (500 MHz Celeron) and I can definately see (notice)
the delay/difference between tabbing from To:/Cc: and Subject:/body.
Until I went looking for it I had not noticed it and it is not long
enough to be annoying but the difference is certainly there. My very
unscientific timing has it at roughly 1/2 second versus less than 1/4
second (maybe a 1/10th)... :-)

Based on this and guenther's comments I would suspect it is the bug he
mentioned and personal levels of tolerance/sensitivity.


Brad Warkentin <brad warkentin rogers com>

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