Re: [Evolution] Evo 1.4.6 under Mandrake 10.0

Le lun 05/04/2004 à 14:13, guenther a écrit :
I can verify switching focus from To and Cc text field using the <tab>
key takes longer than switching from Subject to the body. By "longer" I
mean, I can observe it visibly. It still is as fast, as it significantly
is below a disturbing threshold. That's on my systems, of course.

How long does it take on your machine? Are you suffering from a slow

No, my home computer (which runs mdk 10.0) is very fast, and as you said
the delay is not that annoying. But I would call it 'disturbing', as
sometimes I wonder where the pointer is for a quick sec.
On the other side, on my work computer, which is very slow and still
runs Evo 1.2.4 (mdk 9.1), moving between fields is instantaneous.
Is it a Mandrake-only behavior, or have others noticed it as well? Could
it be due to a weird thing in GTK2?

(PS: Thanks a lot Guenther for your answers, always very prompt and

Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi libertysurf fr>

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