Re: [Evolution] Offline IMAP support in Evolution ?


I too use offlineimap but my Evolution 1.2.4 on Redhat 7.3 ( and also
8.0 ) doesn't process the local maildir directory properly. Do you have
any problems?

The top level directory is shown as . rather than INBOX and filters
don't work.

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 23:29, HvR wrote:
try offlineimap works
great but(t) a little pain to setup, once it works it does everything
you want.

On Mon, 2003-05-26 at 10:52, John Locke wrote: 
On Sun, 2003-05-25 at 05:27, Daryl Manning wrote:
I just wanted to check as I don't have a copy of evolution handy, but 
one of the bug bears a lot of people here have had with working with 
Outlook 2000 is the IMAP offline mode, especially as we have so many 
laptop/mobile users.

Wish I had better news for you, but I don't. Evolution isn't (yet) that
great for offline IMAP.

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