Re: [Evolution] Offline IMAP support in Evolution ?

try offlineimap works great but(t) a little pain to setup, once it works it does everything you want.

On Mon, 2003-05-26 at 10:52, John Locke wrote:
On Sun, 2003-05-25 at 05:27, Daryl Manning wrote:
> I just wanted to check as I don't have a copy of evolution handy, but 
> one of the bug bears a lot of people here have had with working with 
> Outlook 2000 is the IMAP offline mode, especially as we have so many 
> laptop/mobile users.
Wish I had better news for you, but I don't. Evolution isn't (yet) that
great for offline IMAP.

> I'm assuming Evolution 1.2.2 caches attachments as well as messages in 
> IMAP offline mode.

Evolution only downloads new messages in offline mode. It does download
attachments--but you can't get to messages you've already read while
offline--only new messages.

Real bummer, because otherwise Evolution's IMAP support is great--I've
found it way easier to use than Outlook, far more stable, and all around
better--until you go offline.
> Also, moving folders in offline mode is not supported in Outlook 2000 
> which is a large pain for most of our people. Is it supported in 
> Evolution 1.2.2 ?
Nope. Or if it is, I haven't been able to get it to work.

I'd love to be wrong--can anyone else provide more info on offline IMAP
in Evolution? My impression is--it's under development for a future

For now, when it's time to hit the road, I go back to Mozilla.


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