Re: [Evolution] 1.6 nominations

On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 11:27, Not Zed wrote:
On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 16:57, Miroslaw Sankowski wrote:
I believe that in-line PGP is one of the most missing features
of Evolution.

This will continue to remain a low priority, unfortunate for some,
irrelevent for others.

But ... a new plugin system (at least for camel) will possibly make
it very easy for someone else to contribute some functionality here

Inline PGP would be nice, a way to pipe to an external verify script
would do the job, too..

2. News reading.

We'd like to, but I doubt we'll have the resources to do this and still
find enough time to eat, sleep, etc.  We might poke at it from time to
time, but its gonna be a bug marked as "contrib" for the foreseeable
This is a good thing in my book.  There are plenty of good newsreaders
out there.  More importantly, I don't read news the way I read email and
so don't want the same things in the UI.  For example, I keep almost all
of my email, but almost never keep anything I read in news.

My only complaints with Evolution as an email client are speed (it takes
a long time to do some things) and a few minor quirks (for example,
filters with multiple actions often only execute the first action).

Thanks for the great work!
David Johnston <david littlebald com>
Little Bald Consulting, LLC

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