Re: [Evolution] Brave or stupid: Progress Made

Le jeu 30/01/2003 à 5:05, Lonnie Borntreger a écrit:

Found the problem.  Doing some poking around found that evolution 1.3
was linked to glib-1.2 and glib-2.  Further debugging found the culprit
was soup.  So I recompiled soup to use glib-2 and reinstalled it.  Still
the same problem.  So I poked some more and discovered that the
pkgconfig (.pc) file was being installed as soup.pc instead of
soup-2.0.pc, so I had a bogus soup-2.0.pc.  Copied soup.pc to
soup-2.0.pc, and glib-1 disappeared from evolution 1.3.
Got the same problem: maybe you checked out soup instead of libsoup from
CVS ? You should get soup.

Now a new problem.  When I attempt to start it I get a dialog box that
says "cannot access the Ximian Evolution shell" - and it won't go
Eh, I'm stuck here too :) I think I should mess with GNOME_PATH and
OAF_INFO_PATH, but I'm no specialist ..


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