Re: [Evolution] ldaps?

fre, 2003-01-10 kl. 22:05 skrev Thomas J. Baker:

I'm using 2.0.25 from Red Hat 8.0 and the debug level was 5. I'm using a
self signed certificate.
Might work (I don't know 2.0.x at all, started with 2.1.2), but with
later Openldap versions you'd do better to make or buy a CA certificate
(Openssl, if you have Apache/mod_ssl or FreeS/WAN IPSEC, there's very
good documentation on how to make a CA cert and CRL cert) and sign with
that. Put it somewhere where all clients have read access and make sure
it agrees wih the host's FQDN ('hostname -f', in /etc/hosts, not 'uname




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

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