Re: [Evolution] ldaps?

On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 16:02, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
fre, 2003-01-10 kl. 19:27 skrev Chris Toshok:

Are you connecting to port 389 and doing STARTTLS or connecting to 636?

Here's my server output (with my latest patch):

Hmmm ... what (Openldap?) version is that, and what debug level? It
doesn't tell me anything, compared to the debug output I know from 2.1.x
at -d-1. What you quote doesn't show anything, simply that there's been
an exchange between server and client. Either can reject, at that stage.

I had to debug my own in the beginning, when the CA certificate /
server-client exchange wasn't working.



I'm using 2.0.25 from Red Hat 8.0 and the debug level was 5. I'm using a
self signed certificate.

| Thomas Baker                                  email: tjb unh edu    |
| Systems Programmer                                                  |
| Research Computing Center                     voice: (603) 862-4490 |
| University of New Hampshire                     fax: (603) 862-1761 |
| 332 Morse Hall                                                      |
| Durham, NH 03824 USA     |

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