Re: [Evolution] LDAP server update with Evolution

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 23:01, Chris Toshok wrote:

Hm, were you trying to replace the existing objectClasses with person? 
There shouldn't be a conflict between person and account that I can see.

Yes but not intentionaly.
I finally resolved the problem but can't understand why evolution is
unable to get the thing to work.

Here are the objectClasses needed for LDAP entries corresponding to user
account (to log in):


Here's what evolution need to store 'mail' attribute:

attribute sn is needed for the person objectClass

I resolved the problem by modifying manualy an entry with the following

dn: uid=test,ou=People,dc=test,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
sn: Test

Why Evolution couldn't add the missing objectClass and attribute is
beyond me.

Actually I may have an idea:

objectClass is a mutlivalued attribute.
If you want to update it you have to recall all objectclasses that were
already present in LDAP entries. If you do not, it's assuming you wan't
to replace the objectclass attribute. In our case replacing atrribute
objectClass (defined to account, posixAccount and shadowAccount) with
the person stuff is not possible because of attributes that need the one
you're overwriting (uid, uidNumber,...). I'm affraid evolution is not
including objectClasses of the already existing entries when it tries to
update an entry. I may be wrong. Just an idea.


Joaquim Fellmann <mljf altern org>

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