Re: [Evolution] LDAP server update with Evolution

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 20:57, Chris Toshok wrote:
Hm, you can run wombat in a separate terminal and it'll spew out a more
detailed ldap error message when you modify the entry.  Also, are you
loading the inetorgperson.schema file?

Here's the output of the wombat process:

ldap_modify_s: Object class violation
        additional info: object class 'person' requires attribute 'sn'

It seemed to me that evolution was creating all the necessary attributes
and including all necessary objectClasses when modifying ldap entries.

Note that I can create new LDAP entries with the mail attribute set. I
just can't add a mail attribute to an existing ldap entry depending on
acccount objectClass.
I can't imagine having to duplicate every existing ldap entry (one for
the login and the second for the evolution contact).

Trying to add the 'sn' attribute and the 'person' objectClass manualy I
get the error message :

ldap_modify: Object class violation
additional info: attribute 'uid' not allowed

But attribute uid is mandatory for the account objectClass.

Any idea to make the account 'uid' attribute cope with the evolution
'mail' attribute ?


Joaquim Fellmann <mljf altern org>

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