Re: [Evolution] proxy settings

There aren't any glaring errors in the settings below.  I don't suppose
your proxy requires authentication?  You may also want to double-check
the current settings with "gconftool-1 -a /system/gnome-vfs".  Of
course, if you're using authentication, don't tell us the password.

-Mark Gordon

On Sat, 2003-01-04 at 14:54, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
i have used following settings, and there where no errors with
executing, but i have still errors at weather function in the Summary,
and so forth.

gconftool-1 --type=bool --set /system/gnome-vfs/use-http-proxy "TRUE"
gconftool-1 --type=string --set /system/gnome-vfs/http-proxy-host
gconftool-1 --type=int --set /system/gnome-vfs/http-proxy-port "8080"

Op vr 03-01-2003, om 22:49 schreef Mark Gordon:
On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 14:30, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
I have send this questing before but got no answer, i must use at home a
http proxy server, but i run RH 8.0 with KDE the solution found at
Ximian website is with Nautilus or gconftool.
Both programs are not on my system, does anyone have a solution, or
knows with pref file needs to edit.

The knowledgebase entry is a bit dated.  On Red Hat 8.0, the program to
use is "gconftool-1".

-Mark Gordon

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