Re: OT: impersonate TE (was: Re: [Evolution] Evolution's GPG Behavior)

lør, 2003-01-04 kl. 22:05 skrev Bill Hartwell:

What's really sad is that I started using PGP, then switched to GPG when
it had matured enough to replace PGP, because people were impersonating
me on newsgroup postings.
Unbelievable (translated from Dutch: "Hoe kan dat nou?" in my head).
Means more or less: "Why should they want to?"

If (apart from Dagurashibanipal) anybody tried it, without my
permission, I'd do my best to hang them out. (More ways to kill a cat
than choking it with cheese).

I ended up for a while basically operating under the "if
you get a message that claims to be from me and it's not PGP signed,
it's a forgery" principle. I haven't done much newsgroup stuff lately,
but the habit of using GPG hasn't changed.
I used it, but had so many Outlook users complain that they couldn't
open my mail, that I stopped. If anyone had tried to impersonate me
(that I knew about), then that would have been different.

Besides the habit part, it's also a political statement. The less any
government can control, the better, and since GPG means they can't
control a poster's privacy that's one more useful tool against the
Certainly don't agree there. Pursue  the logic for yourself. You don't
even believe it yourself; you're merely mimicking the cry of the
uncastrated, male tomcat.




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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