Re: [Evolution] Ximainized Libraries

  And why did Evolution-1.3 (which presumably
also runs fine on 7.x) freeze on my machine after teasing me with the
startup screen?

It's currently only being built for Red Hat 8.0.  I'm not sure why it's
freezing.  I'm writing this mail using yesterday's snap (no snap today,
apparently).  Are you using our snaps, or a CVS build?  Do you get any
error messages when you run it from a terminal? Any stray processes
running that might be causing problems?

-Mark Gordon

I installed the version:

When I run it I get...

Activating component 'OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Mail_ShellComponent'
Activating component 'OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_FolderInfo'
warning: failed to load external entity
Variable Font: "Sans 10"
Variable Printing Font: "Sans"
The font "-*-helvetica-medium-i-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-1" does not
support all the required character sets for the current locale "en_US"
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-1")
  (Missing character set "ISO8859-1")

Hmmm...I didn't notice that before...I had some problems with Abiword
recently where I had to switch the language to ISO8859-1 but now it
shows in my env as "LANG=en_US.UTF-8".


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