Re: [Evolution] Ximainized Libraries

On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 13:18, Mark Gordon wrote:
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 12:40, Arthur S. Alexion wrote:

Now though, I can't load Red-Carpet either.  It loads, but doesn't
appear (i.e. I get past the root password box and red-carpet creates an
appicon, but no visible program).  I am going to take a stab and guess
that the invisible red-carpet and the invisible gnome panel are related
to the same missing libraries or misconfiguration.  Does anyone have any
ideas or can offer any help?

Which distribution are you using, 

Red Hat 7.2

and which Red Carpet version do you
have installed? 


The most general solution would probably be to run Red
Carpet from a terminal window as root, using su or sudo.

It worked running it using su.  When I ran it as a regular user, it
presented me with the dialog requesting the root password, which I
entered, but then, it never appeared on screen (though it generated an
appicon in Window Maker).  Skipping the dialog, by launching it from an
su mode terminal worked fine, though.  (I still wonder what happened to
my gnome panel)

Arthur S. Alexion <arthur alexion com>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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