Re: [Evolution] Connector / Debian Sid - revisited

On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 02:41, Not Zed wrote:
Yeah, I was never happy with RC. So now I only use the packages in Debian
unstable. I don't use RC, but I can sympathize that Ximian's practice is
aggravating. However, there haven't seemed to be any posts detailing why RC
is a requirement, nor many asking for that policy to be changed. You may be
out of luck, as far as non-RC use is concerned.

This is no official line, particularly because this is simply the
evolution list, but my guess is that using RC makes the product more
supportable.  Because there are so many disparate distributions and
package collections out there, using RC gives Ximian some control on the
quality of the product, which they are selling.

I can see that and I'd understand if Ximian delivered support for RC
based installs only. Fine with me. I don't see why I'm not allowed to
download though...

Anyway, I finally got my hands on a Suse rpm (thanks!), set it up on my
sid-box without much of a hassle and it's running nicely.
I'll shut up now... :)
At least till the next update... :)

Markus Irle
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH
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