[Evolution] Handspring Visor USB - Sync with Evolution

Mandrake 9
Handspring Visor Pro
Evolution 1.2.0

Problem - A USB Visor will not synchronize with Evolution.  

All necessary USB and Visor modules are installed, but I cannot get the
Visor to synchronize with Evolution.  I have viewed the pages at:


but still cannot fix the synchronization.  

Within Evolution at Pilot Settings->Devices tab, using /dev/usb/tts/0 or
/dev/usb/tts/1 I can configure the Visor, and no error messages are
received in closing that tab.  If I use other settings, I receive error

At the Pilots tab within Pilot Settings, it offers to get/send the
settings to the Visor.  This never connects.  

If you have your Visor with USB connected to Evolution, I would
appreciate your insights.


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