Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.2RC1 report

imap folder loading is roughly 3x times as fast as it was in 1.0.8 and
it can't get much (if any) faster. There's a certain amount of network
traffic that we *must* do, and that is what is causing the slowness
(well, most of it - etable rendering is the other).

Would it be possible to make the imap access to not operate in a
"blocking" fashion.  For example, now if I happen to select a message
for viewing while the imap "checking for mail" access is occuring, it
will not show the message contents until the imap access is complete. 
This is also true of initial folder viewing.  While it would not speed
up the imap access, it would provide a "feel" of faster response.

Just wondering....

We plan to, at least, i plan to, at some point, completely overhaul the
IMAP code in evolution.  The existing stuff is a huge unmaintainable
mess, and although it doesn't run 'blocking', as such, it would be quite
difficult to adjust the current code to use smaller sized operations
which would let it multiplex the connection between different operations
and make it appear to 'not block' better.

Long way before it happens tho ...

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