Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.2RC1 report

On Sun, Nov 03, 2002 at 02:06:20PM +0100, arthur.chereau wrote:

I've just tried evolution 1.1.90. The changes from 1.0.x are really great, thanks !
But - as always - some things could be improved and here's my list:

- With imap folders containing lots of mails, it still takes some time (1 minute for
some folders) before one can see the mail list the first time the folder is opened
after evolution is started (evolution says "Opening folder ..."). I don't see this
problem with other MUA. I thought the "faster indexer" would solve that, but it didn't.

imap folder loading is roughly 3x times as fast as it was in 1.0.8 and
it can't get much (if any) faster. There's a certain amount of network
traffic that we *must* do, and that is what is causing the slowness
(well, most of it - etable rendering is the other).

- I followed the threads about imap trash and I thought the problems would be solved
with 1.1.90. But the way evolution handles imap accounts still doesn't seem natural:
there are 2 trashes (the imap one and the evolution one - that could confuse

how will it confuse them? there is a local trash for local folders and
an imap trash for the imap folders. every other client does ti this way

and I didn't see an option to directly move deleted mails to the imap trash
and getting rid of the evolution trash. When you use imap you don't need/want a local
trash folder. 

that's because there isn't one.

I think imap accounts should 1) not have an evolution trash 2) let the
user choose his/her imap trash folder (where (s)he chooses the imap sent and drafts
folders) 3) automatically move deleted mails to the imap trash folder. Even if it's
slower, it's the way imap works.

1) no
2) that sounds reasonable if/when we ever implement "Delete moves items
to Trash" way of deleting messages.
3) No, it's really not. Mark Crispin disagrees :-)

- When a folder is sorted "Ascending", evolution should by default go to the bottom of
the mail list, because it's where newer mails are.


- It would be great to have an option to propagate the From/Subject/Date/... column
widths to all the folders. When one has dozens of folders, it's a pain to change the
widths in each folder.

this is already implemented. View->Current View and edit stuff.

- A "select all" option would be helpful when selecting offline folders.

yea, probably. feel free to submit a bug to the shell component.

- It would be nice to have an option making evolution word wrap plain text mails at a
specified column.

what column do you want it to wrap at and why? the composer currently
wraps at 72 (which is the standard).

- I had some problems selecting the "Emacs" shortcut type and unselecting
"Automatically insert smiley images": I had to open the preferences dialog, make _only_
these changes and close the dialog. If I changed other options, evolution reverted to
"Microsoft" and the smiley images were still selected.


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