Re: [Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Scripting in evolution

On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 14:48, Andy Cedilnik wrote:
Well, several reasons. The main one is to be able to add features that
Evolution does not have.

Some of the features:
1. Better filters
2. Auto respond
3. Intelligent signatures
4. Spam removal using spam assassin or similar program and
   virus scan of incoming mails
5. Better calling of external programs for doing tasks

1, 2, and 4 could be implemented by just adding a filter option to
invoke another program and write the message to that external program's
stdin. That program could then return 0 for FALSE or 1 for TRUE as to
whether the filter matches.

This filter option hasn't yet been implemented, but it's something in my
list of things to do. I think this would be a much better way of solving
those issues than scripting.

I'm not sure what 3 means... the development version can invoke scripts
for generating a signature. Maybe that's what you want? I'm not really

For 5, what kinds of things do you have in mind?


Also, I would like to have a text based Evolution mailbox compatible
client, so I can ssh to machine and check mail. If there would be
scripting support in Evolution, I could write a text client that would
communicate through hooks in the running Evolution.


On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 14:06, Brian wrote:
Why would you want such a feature?

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Ximian, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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