Re: [Evolution] How to compact empty mailboxes?

On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 01:21, Jim Bowen wrote:
2. Eliminate any data from expunged messages from the ibex file by:
  a. Choosing File->Folder->Properties and deselecting "index contents"
     (this will delete the .ibex file)
  b. Repeat a and _select_ index contents to rebuild a new .ibex file

A command-line utility that taps into these functions would be great
for people who have large numbers of folders.

Then, in one bash/perl/python script, one could scroll thru all
folders and re-create all .ibex files.

A similar command-line utility that taps into the Import funtions
would help for similar reasons.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: ron l johnson cox net        |
| Jefferson, LA  USA    |
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| "(Women are) like compilers.  They take simple statements  |
|  and make them into big productions."                      |
|     Pitr Dubovitch                                         |

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