Re: [Fwd: Re: [Evolution] Re: Reply-to-List and toolbar]

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 03:44, Oliver Kurlvink wrote:
-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Oliver Kurlvink <truheml metal de>
To: Alessio Bragadini <alessio albourne com>
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Re: Reply-to-List and toolbar
Date: 14 Feb 2002 12:42:58 +0100

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 11:43, Alessio Bragadini wrote:
You can use "Reply to list" the list is correct labeled, so it will

Reply to List doesn't have a button or shortcut...

True enough.  I've made some patches that replace the "Reply to All"
button on the toolbar with the much much much more useful "reply to
list" button.  I use "reply to all" about once a week, and I expect that
many evolution users only use "reply to all" because it's on the

Is it possible to have 'Reply to List' a button in the toolbar?
On a more general basis, is it possible to customize the Mail toolbar?

The problem with customizing it is that some things are coded into some
.c file, meaning that you have to recompile for the changes to take
effect.  Supposedly the bug that necessitated this has been fixed, but
things are still in the .c file, instead of XML.

Anyway, here are the patches, they're taken against HEAD, but I've been
using them since 0.8 or so, IIRC.

Portland, Oregon, USA.

Attachment: evo_reply_list.patch
Description: Text document

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