Re: [Evolution] Palm syncs OK, but entries don't show up in Contacts/Calendar

On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 00:31, Chip Olson wrote:
Quoth JP Rosevear:
On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 21:01, Chip Olson wrote:

I'm having a problem getting the data from my Palm addressbook and
calendar to show up in Evolution. The Palm syncs OK (though I have
early disconnects maybe 1 of every 3 tries), and I get no error
messages, but nothing ever appears in the Contacts page. Sometimes,
the entries appear in the Calendar, but they occasionally disappear
after a hotsync or if I shut down Evolution and restart it, and then
reappear on an equally random basis.

This sounds more like a wombat problem than anything else, do you ever
have problems with manually added appointments or contacts?

Manually added appointments and contacts work fine in Evo, but they
don't seem to get synced to the Pilot. The appointments I synced from
the Pilot earlier now consistently show up fine, but new ones
don't. Contacts from the Pilot still don't show up at all.

I have a client that is using evolution 1.0.2 that had the exact same
difficulties.  I was using the gnome-pilot-applet and found that I could
not get everything working correctly when using it.  Maybe it was
launching a second daemon as was suggested earlier in the thread.

Does running 'killall gpilotd' then running gpilotd from the command
line help?  It seemed to for my client-- once I got an initial good

To get a good sync initially, I did went into gnomecc, then picked only
one conduit at a time, and did 'copy from pilot' (or to depending on the
data).  I then exited gnomecc, killed the gpilotd daemon, then launched
it from the command line.  Then I pressed the hotsync button.  After
confirming it worked, I went back into gnomecc, changed the conduit to
Synchronize, and exited gnomecc.  I then killed gpilotd and restarted it
from the command line as above.  I then pressed the hotsync button
(which is a long sync), and then after it was done, pressed the sync
button again (short sync.  I then repeated the process for the other two
conduits, having only one enabled at any given time.  I then had all the
data in sync and could re-enable all three at once.

I created a small script to launch gpilotd when I wanted to sync, but
made sure other gpilotd processes weren't running:

GPILOTD_RUNNING=`/bin/ps -A | grep gpilotd`

# first stop gpilot
if [ ! -z "$GPILOTD_RUNNING" ]
        echo "Stopping already running gpilotds"
        /usr/bin/gpilotd-client -p > /dev/null 2>&1
        /bin/sleep 2
        killall gpilotd > /dev/null 2>&1
        /bin/sleep 2
        killall -9 gpilotd > /dev/null 2>&1

# now start gpilotd
echo ""
echo "Starting gpilotd..."
echo ""
/usr/bin/gpilotd >> ~/gpilotd.log 2>&1

This could have just done the 'killall -9', but I tried to be careful
about killing it.  The script doesn't check if jpilot or other pilot
software is running, which could be easily added.  The nice thing is I
now get a full log at every sync (~/gpilotd.log), so if there is a
problem, I have everything I need.  This seemed to work for my client.

Perhaps others on the list could comment on this approach?  JP?

Email:        jstrand1 rochester rr com
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