Re: [Evolution] Compose/Preview Font Size

Although I can't be certain, perhaps it's because of the font you've
chosen to view the messages with? Or perhaps it's that you don't have
the necessary font? I'm not really sure but with the default font
configuration on both my redhat 7 and debian woody boxes, I am able to
see the message perfectly fine. 

I can even attach a screenshot...


On Sat, 2001-10-13 at 11:04, Michael Leone wrote: 
On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 22:42, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
Works for me :-)
Message appeared all in normal size - no difference in line size

Using Evo snapshot 2001., on Mandrake 8.1.


On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 22:11, Keith Irwin wrote:

    You can get to it by opening a new message, then selecting edit ->
    properties.  It'll do in a pinch, eh?  What I'd like to know is how
    come the +0 +3 font size selector doesn't work in HTML editing mode
    in the composer.  It's never worked. 
    This line right here should be the maximum size.  Does it show up
    that way to any of you?
    If you check the view -> source you see that the font sizes are put
    in, they're just never rendered. 
    On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 16:03, Eric Lambart wrote: 

        On Fri, 2001-10-12 at 13:58, Michael Gade wrote:    
        > > change the font size I should go into Gnome Control Panel, and change    
        > > the font under the "HTML Viewer" section.    
        > Hmmm, what to do if that section is not in your control panel.    
        > Im using the "new" Ximian one (1.5.7) but several of the "old" features    
        > are downright missing.    
        > Besides the "HTML viewer", I am missing the "this sound for that event"    
        > section.    
        Yes, I hadn't noticed that but HTML viewer settings have definitely gone    

Michael J. Leone                  Registered Linux user #201348 
<mailto:turgon mike-leone com>    ICQ: 50453890     AIM: MikeLeone

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