Re: [Evolution] Camel API?

If you are lucky enough that your mail is on an IMAP server you can use
ssh to do some port forwarding for you.


   ssh -L 12345:ip_address_of_imap_server:143  remote_host

will ssh into remote_host and forward port 12345 on localhost to port
143 of your imap server.

You can then use the evolution mail settings dialog to add
localhost:12345 as an IMAP account and you're away.

Having said that a simple frontend that could talk to >all< the evo data
would still be an excellent tool to have.


On Sat, 2001-11-03 at 14:05, Janne Morén wrote:
As the Evolution code is approaching the utter zen-like stillness and
stability expected of every 1.0 release, and I am in search of a new
thesis-avoidance strategy, I'd thought I'd start to look into the
possibility of a simple text-mode frontend to evolution (which is great
when you're on the road and can only use SSH to get to your mail).

I've been poking around a bit, but I seem unable to find any docs on the
Camel backend; can any kind person please point me at the right

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