[Evolution] Camel API?

As the Evolution code is approaching the utter zen-like stillness and
stability expected of every 1.0 release, and I am in search of a new
thesis-avoidance strategy, I'd thought I'd start to look into the
possibility of a simple text-mode frontend to evolution (which is great
when you're on the road and can only use SSH to get to your mail).

I've been poking around a bit, but I seem unable to find any docs on the
Camel backend; can any kind person please point me at the right

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.

Mr. Jan Morén                          Dept. of Cognitive Science
Tel. +46-046 222 8588                  Kungshuset, Lund
Fax. +46-046 222 9758                  S-222 22 Lund, Sweden

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