Re: [Evolution] Advice

Ximian Team,
Hire this guy. Move him to Boston and put him on the payroll. His head
is a goldmine!

Garrett Mickelson

On 18 Jan 2001 14:42:09 -0800, troy hakala wrote:
Hi, I'm pretty excited about Evolution and wanted to do what I can to 
help it become a huge success....

I used to be a Program Manager on Outlook at Microsoft (please, don't 
throw stones). Since Evolution is trying to improve upon what Outlook is 
and I'd love to see a product that is what Outlook could have been, I'd 
be more than happy to share my knowledge about what we learned in 
Outlook from users, both end-users & corporate users. Hopefully, this 
info can help the development and prioritization of Evolution.

For instance, there's features that users constantly asked for but the 
Outlook group constantly ignored (Microsofties tend to believe they're 
geniuses and don't believe customers really know what they want) -- for 
example, an integrated newsreader was always a top request that 
Outlookers didn't feel like building ("NNTP is dead" was the typical 
answer;). And there's things that Outlook tried to do but failed 
miserably at -- performance, reminders, timezone-handling, etc. And.... 
there's some things that Outlook actually did right -- the Outlook bar, 
for example.

Anyway, if anyone's interested, I'd be happy to share what I learned 
from my Outlook days -- hopefully some good will come out of the time I 
endured there :). Not intended to dictate, but give some insight so that 
a lot of work isn't put into areas that most users don't necessarily 


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com


Garrett Mickelson, Linux Systems Engineer
Telephone: 415.358.2600

Penguin Computing - The World's Most Reliable Linux Systems

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