Re: [Evolution] Advice

Garrett Mickelson wrote:

Ximian Team,
Hire this guy. Move him to Boston and put him on the payroll. His head
is a goldmine!

If he doesn't want to move, another option is kidnapping.  If he's being
coerced, he can't he legally held to the non-compete agreements..... :)

But seriously, I'd love to have the calendaring features of Outlook. 
That's the major reason for needing that silly product.  Keeping my
calendar, as well as being able to collaboratively schedule meetings by
seeing others' calendars is a VERY helpful thing!

Also, WRT mailbox size, email is my work DB - it's the mission-critical
application that I run.  I need to keep a large amount of email and be
able to search it o find documentation, conversations, authorization,
notes, etc....

My mailbox is HUGE! my archive is about 700MB, and on the exchange
server I've got another 3-400MB.  They are pushing us to reduce mailbox
size to 50MB, so I archive to a server directory.  This ticks off the
LAN admins, but they just bill me for disk space used rather than carp
about slowing down their mail servers.  The email people have problems
with scalability of exchange when mailboxes get really big, but I
suppose that's another issue.

I gues what I'm trying to say is that I can see a real advantage for
having a db-based mail archive rather than a file-based mail archive.

Accessing data in my archive is painfully slow.

Just MY .02

Tom Cooper

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