Re: [Evolution] Can Evo handle lots of email

On 20 Jan 2001 00:25:36 +1100, Mike wrote:

I subscribe to lots of email lists and I like to keep all my mail. I 
currently use Kmail but have Evolution 0.8 installed. I'm planning on moving 
over to Evolution as my Email client as well as syncing my palm pilot with 
it. My current Email takes up about 240MB and in my Debian Users folder I 
have 17882 messages. It takes about six seconds for kmail to show the 
contents of that folder if i click on it. All i want to know is will Evo have 
in problems with having such a mssaive amount of email in one folder?.

I have some pretty big folders too.  Everything seems pretty snappy,
especially the search and vfolder stuff.  BUT, when I hit the Expunge
button, suddenly I'm teleported back to my 486, waiting for a kernel
compile to finish.  For those of you who never experienced this
pleasure, I usually have time to walk down the street, rent a DVD, and
eat a turkish pizza before it is done...

What's up with Expunge?  Is it mostly a factor of hardware, or is
something 'less than optimal'?

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