Re: [Evolution] Advice

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

why the Journal feature in Outlook is despised, etc.

Why is it despised? ;-)

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

In my office, it is virtually unused by anybody.  The layout is clunky
(a series of horizontal time lines representing tasks, phone calls,
notes, etc.), and it just took too long to enter anything.  Act! (a
competing product marketed by Symantec before Microsoft pressured them
into selling it to some no-name) had a better system, where the calendar
becomes a journal as future turns into present.  A person who has an
appointment can, without further data entry, keep track of the time
right on the appointment.  Much better.
If a camel is a horse designed by a committee, then a consensus
forecast is a camel's behind.
                -- Edgar R. Fiedler

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