Re: [Evolution] Advice

5. Client & server-side rules are BIG! This should be really easy to 
configure and if they can work on the server (e.g., edit Procmail rules 
from the client), even better.

We agree on this, but it seems like there is no standard for uploading
"filtering" rules to the server.

There are a number of ways in which this could be dealt with:

        * Have a SOAP server running on the same machine where IMAP is
          running that knows how to generate the procmail rules.
          Evolution would then probe for this SOAP server and if
          found, talk to it to configure the rules.

        * Design and implement and extension to IMAP to achieve this.

          Jeff things that we should write an IMAP server using Camel,
          as Camel does pretty much all the core that an IMAP server
          has to do and it does it not only right, but well.


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