Re: [discuss] Re: [Evolution] Re: [discuss] GROUPWARE - what is it, anyways?

On 9 Feb 2001, Lloyd Llewellyn wrote:

As far as not using a server-based solution, I think thats not going to
provide the flexibility and power that would be require to compete with
solutions like Notes and Exchange. It would cripple the entire project.
Evo seems to have designed their code to be able to connect to a server
when it one day appears. This was a very smart move.

Will Evo support OGS if it intends to produce its own back end
eventually?  Can someone talk to them and get opinions?

It's all (or most) been cc:-d to their list, so one would hope they would
speak up. And it's phpGW that is working on the backend - OGS (which
doesn't even really exist yet, btw.) isn't. 

I can very well see Evolution being (one of the) backend(s) on a Gnome
desktop while talking to "real" backends. 


One day a tortoise will learn to fly
        -- Terry Pratchett, 'Small Gods'

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