Re[2]: [Evolution] Evolution 0.5.1 is still profoundly unstable on my system

Lo Ettore,

On 23 Sep 2000 07:55:56 -0400 you wrote about "Re: [Evolution] Evolution 0.5.1 is still profoundly unstable 
on my  system",

    Dan> But  enough about  that.   I  doubt that  this  could be  the
    Dan> problem with evolution.  I had no trouble at all with this in
    Dan> 0.4.1.   If I launch  evolution now,  I can  kill it  just by
    Dan> going  into  Control Panel,  Theme  Selector,  clicking on  a
    Dan> custom  font, and  hitting  Ok.   So I'm  sure  that all  the
    Dan> instability I'm seeing is due to something along the lines of
    Dan> the theme problem in 0.5.0 that just hasn't been fixed yet.

  BTW, what custom font are you using?

I think I had the same problem... I submitted a bug report for this. 

If I select a font served by the true type font server (xfstt), Evolution
refuses to start. 

I looked into the source code. At a certain time a GDK font is requested
(for conversion to an EFont* structure). If the font is a true type one,
the GDK request fails with -1. However, the evolution code does not check
the return value (perhaps it should fall back to a default GDK font?)


software developer, research & systems
faculty of behavioral and social sciences
dept. of psychology, systems group, room 313
university of amsterdam
phone (+31)205256760

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