Re: evince "Drive" from another program?

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 3:09 PM,  <eb-0004 pardo net> wrote:
>> So what I could easily implement is a method so you can search in a
>> document from Emacs. Tags I don't think it's that easy to implement.
> Maybe I am using the wrong terms -- I am not familiar with the internals
> of PDF documents, I am just going by analogy.
> I have my cursor positioned on a symbol FOO in C/C++/Python/whatever
> code.  I can type M-. and it takes me to the symbol in source code.
> I can make up my own Emacs functions, like "browse-symbol" so if I am on
> symbol FOO, I can translate the symbol FOO to a URL, like
> "file:///.../xyz.html#label-FOO", then browse-url will take me there.
> I'd like to do the same thing with evince for a PDF file, so when I am
> on FOO, I can turn that in to some kind of a command I can send to
> evince, that evince will now go to "FOO" in the document.  I know
> there's some kind of internal PDF structure for going to a location in
> the document.  Right now, I can go to the index and click on the index
> entry for FOO and it will take me to the page for FOO.
> I'd like to be able to do the same thing, but have it driven by Emacs
> rather than my mouse.

If there is an index entry for what you want to search in the PDF,
then what you need it to navigate links in the pdf.
I could probably add a GotoLink method to the /org/gnome/evince/Window
DBUS interface. Could you please file a bug in so
that we can track such enhacement?

Please see the synctex plugin in the gedit-plugins module to get an
idea of how to control evince using DBUS and python.



> I could probably add a document string "Definition: FOO", "Definition:
> BAR", etc., each place so I could search for "Definition: FOO".
> Thanks!

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