I agree that it would be good to have a high level discussion about what the front page is doing, and then ensure that each function is appropriately prioritised. At the same time, that could be a lengthy discussion and these changes look great, so let's go for this. :)
In that spirit, here's a list of small niggles that it could be good to address:
- I'm not entirely sure about the colour of the top bar with the blue gradient below - it looks like the bar is behind/below rather than on top. There are various ways to fix that - it could be a transparent overlay, or you could use the same background colour as below, or you could make it darker. My naive suggestion would be to ditch the blue gradient and change it to plain white and use the new "GNOME blue" colour from Jakub's Middleman template for the top bar.
- I agree with Nuritzi that the website ought to include the full GNOME logo, with the "foot" and "GNOME" text. Just make it smaller to fit in the top bar, perhaps? And maybe align it with the content below?
- "GNOME 3: Ease Comfort and Control" - it's a bit outdated (not your fault, but maybe this is an opportunity to revisit it).
- The "Discover GNOME 3" and "Get GNOME 3" buttons are different widths.
- I'd increase the size of the main screenshot and put it inside a laptop shell. This makes it more tangible. Having two monitors like in Bastian's mockup looks a little awkward to me [1], but maybe there's another way to show different types of device?
- The spacing above and below the content ("make a donation", "get involved") in the grey strip isn't even.
- I agree with Andreas - we ought to remove the grass. I don't think that "cute" really aligns with where we want to take the brand. Maybe go with blank like in Jakub's Middleman template?
- I wouldn't use purple text for button labels. It looks a bit odd.
- I agree with Andreas's point about the headers being too far away from the excerpt of each news post. There probably needs to be more spacing above the first news item too.
- The colour for the social media icons is a bit dark/heavy.
- We need to tidy up our footer links (again, not your responsibility!) They could do with more spacing too.
I've had a go at modifying your screenshot to give an impression of how it might look after these changes [2] (the social media icons aren't there because I'm too lazy to add them, not because they should be removed).
Thanks again!