Jeff F. T. <
> There are spacing guidelines on the logo and trademarks page. It says
> "", and then points to
> 6/logo-spacings.png
> Is there something missing from that?
Well that image is for external spacings, but there were two more
images on the original page for internal spacings…
Internal spacings are only useful if you are editing the logo, which is something we don't want people to do, and advise against doing in the guidelines.
Alexandre Franke a écrit :
> I think the info about which font we used as a base is relevant for
> people who want to use the logo (with wordmark) and then write
> something that looks consistent with by using the same(ish) font. In
> this case, it's also important to mention we don't use the font as it
> is because people could be mislead then and just write GNOME
> themselves and think they reached the same result as if they were
> using the logo.
Yep, this situation is exactly what I had in mind.
I honestly can't think of any cases where it would be desirable to use Bitstream Vera Sans with the GNOME logo. It won't look particularly consistent or good. The GNOME project itself doesn't use Bitstream Vera Sans - Cantarell is our font - so I don't know why we'd suggest that others should.