Re: SXSW stuff

Diego Escalante Urrelo <diegoe gnome org> wrote:
With SXSW, I get to talk to orthogonal communities, and one of the
things that really bugs me is the lack of participation in the overall
GNOME communities.  The people I interact with are generally been
core, active members.  But what do I know about the translators as an
example?  Or the GNOME Hispano team, the GNOME asian team?

We are missing a GNOME space for *passively* sharing team information.

I guess I'm not really sure what you mean here: you want to get more
information about these teams or get them more involved? You could
probably find out what they are up to by checking on damn lies and the
relevant mailing lists.

For me the issue is more about creating easy (and perhaps less
committed) ways of contributing in a meaningful way. There aren't
enough simple tasks that people can walk in off the street and do. QA
could be a big opportunity here: it would be fantastic to be able to
direct people to a testable image and ask them to spend 30 minutes
running through some exercises and reporting issues. I would also like
to look into improving how we manage our bugs, and maybe try to
revitalise the Bug Squad.

This reminds me that around 2010-2011 Vinicius showed me a mockup for
a very minimal contributor network on, something like a
simple profile + badges.

I've wanted Foundation Membership pages for a long time (although
maybe for slightly different reasons that those being discussed here).
I guess it would require a centralised accounts system, which would
also be beneficial, but has always been elusive due to the work

I have a specific agenda item for this. I would like to make the
Outreach Games from 2012 a tradition at GUADEC.
I live under the impression that they were really effective to break
the ice between new contributors, and also old ones.

The games were absolutely fantastic, and we missed having them last
year. I'd love to help with those.

Also, I wonder if there might be an online equivalent... not everyone
can get to GUADEC.


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