Re: setting some goals

Except for charts (what kind? Gantt? Or some "Task 4 is 14.3% done" in a
graphical way?), this sounds like and not yet
like a convincing reason for another piece of infrastructure software to
maintain, IMHO. explains
how to get a Bugzilla product and/or component, if wanted by the team.

Well, after browsing, I see software projects, apps and code so I don't know how we could utilize the bugzilla for that purpose.

I'm not sure though if there's really a technical issue to solve here
(supporting tools) or a social 'issue' instead.

What do you mean? 

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
On Fri, 2014-06-20 at 17:38 -0400, Alex G.S. wrote:
>         How and why would "Basecamp, Trac or Redmine" help? Which
>         specific
>         features you consider critical are missing in our wiki or
>         Bugzilla?
> Specifically the ability to setup a sub-project and have issue
> tracking.  For example things like the "Annual Report 2013" could have
> been a sub-project and each article could be an "feature" and people
> could then be assigned or assign themselves to that "feature".  If
> problems happened during production "issue" tickets could be created
> and resolved.  Then you could have charts that would allow you to see
> how far along the project is.

Except for charts (what kind? Gantt? Or some "Task 4 is 14.3% done" in a
graphical way?), this sounds like and not yet
like a convincing reason for another piece of infrastructure software to
maintain, IMHO. explains
how to get a Bugzilla product and/or component, if wanted by the team.

I'm not sure though if there's really a technical issue to solve here
(supporting tools) or a social 'issue' instead.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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