Re: important discussion on LWN

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Tobias Mueller <muelli cryptobitch de> wrote:
During GUADEC, John (CCed) talked about GTK+ on Windows and how bad it was.
I think it was a good talk with a lot of issues being mentioned that
should probably be addressed in the very near future.
While I understand that that some people are interested in GTK+ on
Windows I can't imagine that Windows is a major priority for GTK+
developers these days. Is not incredible hard to support a third party
library like GTK+ on Windows these days?

Personally I much rather see a focus on making GTK+ a really great and
integrated Linux/GNOME library, given the resources available it seems
as a big enough task itself.

-mvh Oliver Propst

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