Re: Learning from the best

I agree with Jason.

The attention span of general people are very low.
Thats the reason why Twitter is 160 characters max, the facebook messages are short, most of the Blogs contain a "read more" button with 90% of the post, youtube does not allow large video's for regular users etc etc.

That is something a lot or Proprietary company's use for their benefit.
I am actually working on a paper about Commercial VS Open Source marketing quite a while, because i think we lack a lot of techniques that we can learn from the commercial world.
Apple is really good in doing short but effective advertising, and the only Linux company that used the same technique actually did a spoof of those commercials, hooking in on the marketing they did.
Of course i am talking about Novell who did the "Mac vs PC vs Linux" commercials, which are very popular on Youtube during the years.

Maybe a good idea to set up a IRC meeting indeed since I wanted tot talk about this issue for quite a while.


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 08.12.2010, 21:43 +0800 schrieb Frederic Muller:
> I know we have some Google Codein marketing tasks, I'm currently
> checking with Dave how to see all task as apparently started tasks don't
> appear in the list.

I don't think you can without being a mentor or admin for GNOME. :-(

Claimed GNOME tasks in the "Outreach" category currently are:

Closed GNOME tasks in the "Outreach" category currently are:

Open GNOME tasks in the "Outreach" category currently are:

More is welcome, as usual. For more info see .

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Alias. Morton Black

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