Re: wgo i18n (was Re: wgo revamp timeline (proposal))

On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 19:28 +0200, Christian Rose wrote:
things like even the full-scale i18n might end up being punted if we
cannot get it to work in time.

Make sure some realistic i18n falls already into the current release
cycle and make as specific as possible the work that will need to be
done in the next release.

the schedule is aggressive.

Yes, it is. But it implies that we need to focus on small although
crucial changes (and this is why you need to check that we don't choose
a wrong path for i18n). 

All the changes implemented will be quite partial and far from perfect,
not only the i18n related ones. This will leave a general path for full
development and stabilization during the 2.17 release cycle. The small
and crucial changes should consist on the foundations of a good platform
to develop agile and solidly the next developments.

We want our web site localization to be at least as good as our software

:) Indeed, everything under GNOME should be as good as the GNOME

Quim Gil /// |

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