Re: LiveCD Media Project


Luis Villa wrote:
Well, like I said, we have to talk to the gnoppix folks, but I'm
really hoping that if we do intend to make this a gnome marketing CD,
we can nuke the non-gnome-y windows programs (firefox, openoffice,
pdfcreator, thunderbird) from the CD and not worry so much about space

I think it would be a mistake not to demo OOo. It is by a long
way the program with the best word/excel/ppt filters, and the #1
concern of a lot of people when changing systems is
interoperability. And one of the most persistent GNU/Linux myths
is "can's read docs". 

Firefox and thunderbird have a lot of buzz around them right now, 
but given evolution and epiphany, their omission would be less

I don't know pdfcreator - is it related to scibus at all?


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
   E-Mail: bolsh gimp org

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