Re: LiveCD Media Project

On Sun, 2004-12-05 at 20:53 -0500, Ian McIntosh wrote:

MPG, 7MB, "Building on the Past" movie

If we can find it, maybe a copy of the redhat 'first they ignore you...'

In progress:

OO.o Writer, 30K, The "OO Writer Example" document

PDF, 180K, Some GNOME poster?  One of Seb's?

A couple even.

Still need to FIND/PICK:

MP3/OGG, 4MB, a CreativeCommons-licensed track? (which?)

I can rip any/all of the Wired CC CD if you need it. (It's still in the
pristine wrapper ATM, oddly enough.)

JPG/PNG, 1MB, some nature photos or GNOME-branded art? (which?)

Unless we find something oddly compelling, I don't think we need flat 2D
art here- showing off 'we can show images' in 2004 is roughly like
bragging about printing text, it seems to me.

SVG, 100K, a file used for the Inkscape screenshots? (emailed one author
so far)

DOC, 500K, ideally something well known that we DIDN'T create, to
'prove' that DOCs can be opened. (ideas?)

XLS, 300K, same as DOC (ideas?)

Still need to CREATE:

OO Calc, 30K, an example of advanced HOME use (tracking household

OO Impress, 200K, Maybe a stock "About GNOME" presentation?

I'd be uncomfortable shipping calc and writer without also shipping .abi
and .gnumeric docs. I'd even ship those in preference, at this time.
It's not a Free Desktop disc- it's a GNOME disc.

Theora video, ?MB, is this necessary given that we already have an MPG?
(and limited space)

In an ideal world, someone could do an MPG->Theora conversion and we'd
ship Theora in preference to MPG, assuming we want to be consistent
about our message.

Anyway, awesome stuff, Ian- thanks for keeping this ball rolling-

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